
Prayer Meeting every Friday at 12.45 – 1.15pm in church.

As disciples of Jesus Christ we believe we need to be connected to the Living God: we want to spend more time with Him as Church as well as individuals and we believe He wants us to share in His mission to His world. If we want to be involved with Him we know we need to pray: to talk and listen to God.

We believe we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to be empowered to follow Jesus, to be mature Christians and to achieve God’s purposes in our lives and in the world.

‘ “Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit”, says the Lord.’ Zechariah 4:6

We love to hear testimony and we give space in our services for accounts of healing and for people to share what God has said and done.
We also believe in and are learning to exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you believe you have a Word of Knowledge or Prophecy please speak to Revd Carol.

Prayer Ministry

We want to see people encounter Jesus and be healed and set free to live lives of health and wholeness.
We want to see God’s Kingdom come in our lives and we pray for that for each other.
We follow the Biblical model of prayer with the laying on of hands.
If you would like prayer for yourself or for someone else we would love to pray for you! This is available after every service. We also have a prayer tree at the back of church. We pray every week for all the names on the prayer leaves and are thrilled to hear of what God has done